Seminário para Instrutores de Krav Maga - Amaro Bento

Portugal: ACDS Urban and Krav Maga Tactical Instructor 2025

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Datum / Uhrzeit
Date(s) - 08/03/2025 - 16/03/2025
8:00 - 17:00



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Live your hobby, become a ACDS URBAN or Krav Maga Tactical Instructor!

ACDS URBAN is a modern art to defende your self and others.

ACDS Urban is part of the Ambo Combat and Defense System (ACDS) developed by Amaro Bento. It was created to allow civilians to defend themselves effectively or to protect third parties.

We expect ACDS Urban to meet requirements that go beyond what is usually offered by traditional self-defense systems or martial arts.

more infos :

Krav Maga Tactical , the Israeli defense system, is a modern way to defend yourself and third persons.

Krav Maga Tactical stands for modern and practice-oriented self-defense and defense of third parties. You will learn how to behave correctly in all possible situations. KMT (like ACDS) claims to still function under stress, adrenaline and fear.

more infos:

Enroll in training courses with the founder of ACDS Ambo Combat and defense system and Krav Maga Tactical, Master Amaro Bento.
This formation will be take place in the HQ of the AMBOgroup in Portugal.

The AMBOgroup represents 22 schools in 4 countries. We stand for high quality and professionalism since 2001.

If you are interested in formation or trainings, please contact us.




Date :
08.03. –  16.03.2024
14.06. – 22.06.2024
11.10. –  19.10.2024

– 45 hours Selfdefense
– 10 hours Defense of others
– 5 hours Didactic and Psycological  teaching method
– 10 hours Survival
– 5 hours First Aid
– 5 hours Sparring & Scenarios

Colosseo HQ of the AMBOgroup

Rua do Alto das Antas 860, Reguengo

3740-224 Sever do Vouga / Portugal


Instructor cours are  included accommodation    850 Euro

Only training 650 included accommodation  (with AMBO PASS 600 euro)

* Accomodation 9 or 10 nights in the colosseo, use of the kitchen.
Food and drinks are not included

The course is given in English if there are different nationalities to participate.
The trainer speaks Portuguese, English, French, German and Italian, the Spanish can understand and explain what it takes.



As reservas estão fechados para este evento.

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